Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Lesbian Soldiers: Al Qaeda's new plan?

With a nice use of humor, Democratic Rep. Gary Ackerman gives a scathing critique of the U.S. military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy concerning homosexuals. Under this current policy, even service members fluent in Arabic and/or Farsi can be and have been kicked out of the military for being homosexuals.

Ask yourself--in a time when knowledge of the Muslim World is essential for sucess in our national security and foreign policy, does rejecting those fluent in these two most prominent "Islamic" languages make any sense?

That is, of course, not to mention the effect this policy has on the status of equality in the United States.

Ackerman may have also stumbled upon a new strategy for the insurgents in Iraq. Take a look:

1 comment:

Jeremy Long said...

Well yes it makes sense. Since our politicans support the gays that means God hates us and is going to send homosexuals to destory us as terrorists.